MMJ Compliance Group offers educational seminar on how to participate in the multi-billion dollar medical cannabis industry.
HONOLULU (NOV. 11, 2015) – With the first of Hawaii’s medical cannabis dispensaries expected to open in mid-2016, and with last week’s introduction of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (D-VT) bill that would repeal all federal penalties for possessing and growing marijuana, there...
Horse Nation: Back on Track ‘Horse Therapy’—Riding Past Parkinson’s
Becky Anderson and her American quarter horse, Princess. Prior to having deep brain stimulation surgery in 2014, Becky thought early onset Parkinson’s disease would keep her on the ground. Now the Hesperia, California resident is back in the saddle and doing what she loves.

Yahoo: Doctor Nearly Dies From the Rare Condition He’s Spent 15 Years Researching
David Williams, MD, has been researching cerebral venous thrombosis since he’s been out of medical school. Little did he know the condition would affect him on a much more personal level.
As coincidences go, this was a doozy.