NPR: Hospital Companions Can Ease Isolation For Older People
Loneliness can be a problem for older people, especially when they’re in the hospital. Their children may have moved away. Spouses and friends may themselves be too frail to visit. So a California hospital is providing volunteer companions in the geriatric unit.
CBS: Volunteers Offer Comfort To Unvisited Patients At Hospitals, Hospices
It’s a heartbreaking consequence of an aging population – an increasing number of hospitalized Angelenos are living in lonely existence. To make a difference where medicine cannot, some hospitals are doing something unique to improve the plight of their unvisited...TIME: A New Cancer Immunotherapy Leads to Remissions
In a small new study published in Science Translational Medicine, researchers who are pioneering an immune-based treatment for cancer report encouraging results among people with otherwise untreatable non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a blood cancer.
Reuters: New HIV vaccine trial aims to build on earlier modest success
A late-stage trial will begin later this year in South Africa to test the effectiveness of an HIV vaccine that has shown promise in earlier trials, according to the National Institutes of Health. Results from an ongoing preliminary trial in South Africa and a previous...