CBS: Volunteers Offer Comfort To Unvisited Patients At Hospitals, Hospices
It’s a heartbreaking consequence of an aging population – an increasing number of hospitalized Angelenos are living in lonely existence. To make a difference where medicine cannot, some hospitals are doing something unique to improve the plight of their unvisited...
WLNY News (CBS): We Have a Dream featuring Dr. Keith Black
REPORTER: Dr. Keith Black worked hard to follow his dreams to become a leader in brain research at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. KEITH BLACK: After my first course in the anatomy of the brain, in the biology and chemistry of the brain, I fell...
KTLA 5: Famed Celebrity Publicist Nanci Ryder Goes Public With Her Personal Battle With ALS
Former publicist to the stars Nanci Ryder was diagnosed with ALS in August of last year. We met Ryder and her physician Dr. Robert Baloh at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and discussed the debilitating disease and how she’s dedicating the rest of her life to raising awareness and finding a cure.

KCET: SoCal Connected | Early Alzheimer’s Testing
What if a compound from a common spice could help detect Alzheimer’s in patients? A team at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is developing a test that could make early detection possible, and a first step for the patient would be taking pills derived from curcumin, which is found in turmeric, an ingredient often used in Indian curries.