USA TODAY MAGAZINE: On the Cusp of a Cure
We can beat Alzheimer’s crushing burdens on families and society—and help may be here soon. I have devoted my professional life to finding treatments—and, I hope, someday cures—for malignant brain tumors, because I always have thought nothing could be worse than a...Ladies Home Journal: “They Said I’d Likely Be Gone In 15 months.”
For two weeks in the fall of 2006, Mary Wong Lee of San Dimas, California, had been plagued by on-and-off headaches, but when words began escaping her the 55-year-old office manager got worried. “I’d be writing letters or reports and know I wanted to say...
Men’s Health: Garrison Keillor’s Above-Average Stroke
People keep asking about my stroke.
I am okay, really—not staggering around with one arm hanging limp, or glassy-eyed or slurring my speech, flecks of spittle on my lips. And yet people still say, “How are you doing?” in that special way that means, “Tell us the painful truth and feel free to cry.”

New York Times: A Direct Hit of Drugs to Treat Brain Cancer
It was a desperate measure, for a desperate disease. Fourteen months ago, Dennis Sugrue let doctors thread a fine tube through his blood vessels and up into his head, so they could spray the drug Avastin directly into the part of his brain where a tumor had been cut out.