CNN: New Saliva Test May Catch Alzheimer’s Disease Early
A test detecting Alzheimer’s disease early may become easily available thanks to one plentiful bodily substance: saliva, a recently released study shows. The saliva test was presented at the 2015 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Washington this...
Today Show: The Internet Causing Digital Amnesia
The Internet and connected devices are fast becoming substitutes for remembering things, reducing our memory’s capability, according to a recent study by Kaspersky Labs. NBC’s Craig Melvin reports.
Next Avenue: Why You Get Migraines & What To Do About Them
These headaches can be debilitating, but many treatments offer relief. If you’ve ever experienced the throbbing pain of a migraine, you know how difficult it can be to carry on with your normal routine — especially if you’re one of the 14 million people who experience...CNN: The 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s
More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s today, with another person developing the disease every 68 seconds. By 2050, the number of people living with Alzheimer’s disease is expected to triple.